Investing in Men So They Can Live Fearlessly for Christ

…those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
– 2 Corinthians 5:15b NIV
We invest in men to help them build legacies extending beyond their lifetimes. Many give their lives and leadership in business communities, churches, and other areas of influence in our world – but there’s more that matters. We call men to invest in God’s kingdom, care and coach them through their journey with Christ, collaborate with faith leaders so they can accomplish their mission, and communicate God’s truth around the world.
God calls us all to serve as fearless ambassadors, but no one needs to serve alone. We come alongside leaders in faith and business communities to connect them with their peers, guide them through challenges, and help them walk their unique path from lostness to life to legacy.

Our Mission
Motivating All Men to Move From “Lostness” to “Legacy”