What We Do: CARE
Supporting Leaders And Vision Casters
Those who carry the burden of influence and vision often carry their struggles alone. Like everyone, they have struggles, fears, and doubts, but rarely have safe and appropriate places to wrestle those out within the organizations they lead. We create spaces where leaders can share one another’s burdens and experience the care and concern of their peers.
In our effort to care for leaders, we also offer consultation for crisis situations and pastoral successions.
We have the experience and pastoral concern for pastors of all kinds, whether their “flock” comprises a local church, business, or community of influence. We gather peers into groups like Pastors in Covenant, meet one-on-one to unpack personal issues and provide the counseling and support leaders need as they pour themselves out for others.
Your support allows us to offer these services at no cost to these organizations. That means every leader, regardless of their status as a non-profit, for-profit, or faith-based organization, can find the care, counseling, and coaching he needs to finish his journey well.
Interested in a Pastors In Covenant Group?
Contact us for more information on how to participate in a “Pastors in Covenant” group, one-on-one coaching, and leader counseling.